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<dis is the official cooper2723 website I MADE IT DONT MAKE FUN OF MY WEBSITE

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MY MUSICS!!!!!!!


about me ........

my name is cooper i liek to make vids and watch tv and play games on my vidoe game consoles or my computer

BTW ALL GIRLS ON MY SITE AND FANS u can email me at the email below

Some tv shows i like to watch are aqua teen hunger force , space ghost coast to coast, family guy, and american dad


Call me autistic.. call me stupid call me whatever you want... I THINK FAMILY GUY AND AMERICAN DAD are good shows. I know people say they copied the simpsons but the simpsons has sucked since like 1999. Family guy is funnier. I know nobody likes the cutaways but I DO!! and I dont care what you think. I like peter.. i like lois.. i like stewie.. i like brian and chris and meg and cleveland and ALL OF THEM. you know why because its A GOOD SHOW. and so is american dad. its just like family guy but without the cutaways,, which i think makes it a little funnier since sometimes the cutaways get annoying. And they have funny plots in the episodes.. so YEAH. I THINK FAMILY GUY AND AMERICAN DAD ARE FUNNY.. AND I DONT GIVE A CRAP ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY. ITS MY OPINION.


some music i liek to listen to is metalica acdc pantera

im from the hood im also a rapper and i shoot peopl that are mean to me becuse im a gangster hood rapper dont email me mean things or i shoot you !!!!

waka flocka falme: i go hard in the MF paint (n word.. he says the n word cuz he is black but i cant cuz im white. IM NOT RACIST so i wont say it on my website)

© Cooper2723 OFFICIAL COMPANY Est 2003